This book made me vibrate with anger and it also made me laugh. The anger though...I want to seriously wanted to hit a certain person in the head with a 2x4. Namely Darryl's boyfriend Chris, soon to be ex.
Nowm human beings can only be pushed so far before they snap. Darryl starts off in this book with Chris; a controlling jerk! Seriously! The scary kind of relationship. With all the rules set for Darryl, when the AC goes on the fritz he goes loco and beats it to death! < I laughed there! Then he packs up and leaves Chris and steals his car. There's an accident and now he's running.
Now, I fear Chris and I fear for him through Darryl, who changes his name to Ford for protection and to be a new him.
We spend the entirety of this book rediscovering Darryl/Ford. This is a young man grown up through foster care and into an abusive relationship. Finally he's taking his life into his hands and living.
It's refreshing and he's amazingly strong. You cheer for Ford and you become invested in his success.
I enjoyed this story and recommend it.
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