Was this story only 125 pages? I don’t mean that in a bad way. I was so engrossed with the story, the descriptions and thinking about the movies mentioned in this book that I sat back to enjoy this book. This story takes place in the town of Astoria, Oregon. A place where they celebrate the movies and TV shows that were filmed there. Another place to put on that ever growing bucket list. The plot of this story is about James and Brad. How they met and against both of their natural tendencies form a relationship. Brad is the one night stand, checking off places on a map making his way through the country and the world hooking up with men from far off places. James is here from the UK developing a new operating system for a company based in Portland, Oregon. While spending his weekends in the town that some of his favorite movies were made, he meets Brad. Now both men break into new territory seeing something in the other man making them want to take a chance at love. There is a slow build of chemistry between Brad and James, but you can tell that things are going to start to sizzle. This is a laid back story where you get to enjoy the main characters as well at the town of Astoria and the people that live there. I am always happy when there is a Happy Ever After ending, and this story has a really good one. The back story for Brad is more in-depth than James. I think I would have preferred to learn more about James in this story.
It received the following ratings for various aspects of the story:
Plot 4*
Chemistry 4*
Pacing 4*
Ending 4*
Character Development 4*