So what to do now the GBBO is over? For those of you who don’t know what I’m talking about it is of course the Great British Bake Off. I feel completely bereft now it’s over: what will I do without the endless talk of soggy bottoms, the brilliant quips of Mel and Sue, the frowns of Paul Silver Fox Hollywood, or the praise of Mrs Bake off herself, Mary Berry? It was the highlight of my TV week and towards the end I even started watching it live ::clutches pearls to neck:: yes really live! I don’t normally watch live TV to avoid those pesky adverts, but with the help of my more technically savvy BF, in this case it added an extra dimension as I could see the contestants tweeting during the programme.
As the nights start to draw in I feel drawn to something to brighten up my evenings. I have previously tried in vain to get hold of the Steps “documentaries” shows on Sky Living, and would be VERY grateful if anyone could help me out with this pursuit. You’ll note the inverted commas, as even I couldn’t really bring myself to describe it as a real documentary! It would certainly brighten up my autumn evenings no end...
Can you really get away with pretty much anything if you dollop on a generous helping of camp? Discuss... Thinking back, I reckon this has allowed me to get away with certain things which otherwise would have got me in trouble. During a discussion with my new colleagues, in week one of my first graduate job, I described how unhelpful someone had been when I’d met her earlier that week. I finished my story by proclaiming: ‘I mean, who shat in her handbag?’ To which the rest of the office were completely silenced and my manager left the office doubled up in laughter. Was it because I’d been so unselfconscious about it, that I’d got away with saying that, or was it just plain old funny?
I had a few gorgeous days of top down weather last weekend, when away with friends. Muriel certainly got a good spin in the countryside, and as usual garnered some disapproving looks from strangers as I folded the roof and turned up the heater. Why not put the roof down if it’s sunny, even if it is October? A friend told me her husband hated seeing soft top cars driving around in summer with the roofs up. I explained sometimes it’s too hot to have the roof down in mid summer. Are we forever to be dammed us roofless motorists?
Best Friends Perfect (working title for the moment) is with my very kind friend Clare London for some polishing, and I’m starting to sketch out the chapter outline for my next novel, while exploring publishing options for BFP.
Well, that’s enough from me for the moment, it would be great to hear from you, so do get in touch through the contacts page.
Liam Livings