- Toilet paper – as long as there's some to use, I couldn't give a monkey's.
- keyboard home row or not – as a graduate of Pittman's Text Production skills (since the mid nineties) I am always on my keyboard home row. I am on it now. I wrote this whole thing, without looking at my keyboard once. Take that everyone else who mocks the home row. Without the little bumps on J and F I am lost, lost I tell you lost! Bow at the mastery that is THE HOME ROW / touch typing.
- left or right handed - right
- chicken wings boneless or bone in – sorry to say I think chicken wings are only good for making stock out of and then feeding to cats or dogs. Chicken thighs, then come back to me, but wings, too much bone and fiddle I'm afraid.
- wash body or hair first – I only wash my hair once or twice a week. State registered hairdresser Mum says that's the best way to be, so who am I to argue.
- Oreos: cream first, cookie or both – whole cookie together. Discovered strawberry centred ones in Australia. LOVE LOVE LOVE. Sad they don't seem to do them in the UK :-(
- Travel to the past or the future – the past. I'd like to go to the eighties as someone my age now and properly do the eighties, bit hair, big blousy shirts, I'd go all out new romantic and it would be fabulous.
- paperback or ebook – I much prefer reading paperbacks. I spend much of my day staring at a laptop screen (day job/ writing/ beta reading for others/ blogging) so I don't like to have more screen time when I'm reading. But I do read ebooks, particularly since my author friends share their own ebooks among ourselves.
- cookies or ice cream – chocolate chip cookies and dark chocolate hobnobs. Oh, and party rings. And crunch creams. (I like biscuits/cookies)
- coffee or tea – tea. I used to put 5 sugars and half cream or milk and half coffee. It took me many years of this to realise I didn't enjoy the bitter taste of coffee at all, which was why I was disguising it. I now only drink black tea (brewed for 4 minutes, with half a sugar and plenty of milk).
- Makeup – I've gone to an eighties themed party as a new romantic, with white foundation and mascara and eye liner. It wasn't something I'd want to repeat, make up and beard growth don't go together well. Although if I were actually living in the eighties I think I'd put my back more into it somewhat. See answer about time travel.
- sneakers or high heels – I'm substituting smart shoes for high heels here. Sneakers/trainers for me all the way. I have a wardrobe filled with trainers and love them and live in them.
- favourite kiss, tongue or no tongue – bit of tongue, just the right amount, maybe a cheeky bum squeeze too.
- cash or credit – both.
- paper or plastic – plastic when the supermarket delivers, or canvas bags when I go myself.
- baseball or football – Eurovision Song Contest, natch. I am scarred for life from being forced to play rugby at secondary school. Me, playing rugby, can you imagine it? No, me neither, so I just tended to go home early instead.
- car or truck – car. I'm into cars, but trucks do nothing for me I'm afraid.
- morning or night – morning. The time to start the to do list, when the day is ready for you, when I have my best ideas and do my best writing. Night – when I sleep.
- introvert or extrovert – extrovert – but I'm a shy extrovert.
- wrapping paper or gift bags – wrapping paper. I went through a stage of using old magazines and newspaper to wrap presents. It was retro, it was a bit hipster. I didn't continue it long.
- country or city – Mum lives in the country. I used to live in inner London. Now I live in suburbia, which I think is the perfect compromise between the two.
- fly or drive – I dislike flying very much. From the minute the taxi picks me up to take me to the airport until I arrive at my final destination it is Stress with a capital S. However, it's a necessary evil and I do fly. Driving, however, I enjoy – but not on the M25 at rush hour, cos that's just a car park.
- tap or bottled (water) – tap. I think buying bottled water when we have perfectly drinkable tap water in the UK is 1)very un-environmentally friendly and 2) a waste of money. However, since I rarely drink fizzy drinks (too much sugar and I'd prefer to have my sugar more slowly in cookies and chocolate) I am sometimes forced to buy bottled water when I'm 'out on manoeuvres'
- flowers or chocolates – Himself has two allotments, and we plan to use one for cut flowers. Chocolates all the way. Always chocolates. Black Magic, Milk Tray, Celebrations, Quality Street, Galaxy. I love them all.
- pencil or pen – pens must be black ink, I can't bear blue ink I think it's 'common' – yes I know this is odd but it is what it is and I'm sticking with it. Pencils for plotting, character bios, general scribbling on manuscripts, but my diary is always written in BLACK pen.