I Should Be So Lucky, which was out in September 2018, is a category romance about two men and their relationship. Julian is a backing dancer for Sallie, an Australian pop princess and he enjoys the travel this job affords him to share his love of men far and wide for many years. If Julian had a slogan it would be: I’m Julian, fly me!
It was inspired by watching a concert of my favourite Australian pop princess and clocking a very good-looking backing dancer and wondering: what’s his story? I then went to see the same pop princess at Hyde Park for a concert and noticed the St John Ambulance volunteers and their rather impressive uniforms and the large glitter balls on stage. And the rest is purely invented by me!
My secret to being so prolific (while having a day job) are three tips: Pomodoro, Neo, Enya. I’ll unpack each of them in turn to explain what I mean. [NOTE ADDED LATER: I should have described it as Pomodori, Neo, Orinoco after a well-known Enya song] Read the full article for what I actually mean by these three tips!
I love rom coms and romance in my TV too. I think this has influenced my writing because they tend to all end optimistically. I think there’s enough sadness in the world without me adding to it in my fiction. I tend to write humour in my stories too – not as in characters sitting around laughing at their own jokes as this is rarely funny in my experience. But the humour is found in situations they find themselves in, the deadpan dialogue and quips they share with each other.
The full interview is on the RNA blog.