Waltham Abbey Writers is a group of people from Waltham Abbey and local area of East London / Epping Forest, who discuss writing. We are of varied experience and aspirations, ranging from the 3 local published authors who lead the group, Jean Fullerton, Victoria Robertson and Liam Livings, to members who enjoy writing for pleasure, and others who have had work published in magazines or online. The group includes people who write fiction, non-fiction, poetry and plays across a variety of genres – romance, crime, fantasy.
The Write In is an opportunity for writers to get together and write, talk about writing, and learn about aspects of writing from the published authors. It is very informal and the day will include opportunities for writing, talking, and asking questions.
Loughton Library, Traps Hill, Loughton, IG10 1HD.
WAW usually meets on the first Monday of each month in Upshire, but we wanted to try something different and spend more time together than the usual 2hour evening meetings allow.
Saturday 23 January 2016, 10.00am – 4.30pm.
How much will it cost me?
FREE to join the Write In, and parking at Loughton Library is £1 for all day on Saturday.
What should I bring with me?
- Something to write with – a laptop, a pen and notebook, an Ipad – whatever you like to write with
- Ideas about what you'd like to write
- Yourself and maybe a friend who's interested in writing too!
Anyone who has an interest in writing and would like to find out more, and meet other writers.
Who can I ask if I have any questions now?
Please email liamlivings (at) gmail (dot) com